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Jacek Jasiniak

I have been connected to the art of drawing and painting since my childhood. But the path of my professional career may seem a little bit surprising. I work as a dental surgeon. That’s my job. But since 2017, the year I graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow in the Department of Painting, I’ve started considering myself as an artist, too. So when people ask me “what do you do for a living?” – I answer – “Actually, I’m a doctor, well a dentist”. But when they ask about my passion I often respond – “I love painting. Actually, I’m a painter”.

As far as my art is concerned I have been searching for the relationship between the sense of imagination and the real world and how to catch that link, the thread that connects the imaginary and the real. Creativity plays a crucial role in my art and the way of expression – it becomes my personal way of discovering the truth about myself, my own identity as an artist and a human, as well as my personal way of communication with the world around me. The role of intuition is very important to me, the elements of surprise, absurdity and nonsense all play important role, too. In my works I combine various materials and techniques to convey in a most straightforward and honest way, often an ambiguous, imaginary content.


Marta Bonotto 

+48 692 006 771

Kamila Jasińska-Cieślak

  +48 691 216 086

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